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The ScreenGuard Access Fire Escape system allows for a quick and easy escape in the event of a house fire or any other emergency. It comes with a quick and easy latching system, that enables you to only open the window from the inside.
It also features a unique built-in locking action and is self-supporting and stays open while you escape. It is an easy system to fabricate and install and has no requirement for extra locks.
Bush Fire Testing
ScreenGuardâ„¢ Screens have undergone stringent bush fire testing to ensure quality performance in the event of a bush fire.
Bushfire Rated tested to BAL 40
Floating Ember Safe
40.2kW / m2 Heat Flux Tested
10-10 Rule Achieved
ScreenGuardâ„¢ bush fire rated screens use specially developed fire retardant L seats and co-extruded wedges.
The stainless steel mesh used in ScreenGuardâ„¢ screens complies with bush fire ember resistance regulations.
When ordering screens for a bush fire prone area, please advise your fabricator to order these bush fire tested products.
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